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7 Reasons to Get Whitening in Springfield

February 14, 2018

smiling young coupleRaise your hand if your smile is naturally perfect! There really aren’t many people who can make that claim. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist in Springfield has a few methods to help you improve the appearance of your smile. One of the most popular is teeth whitening. You can choose to whiten in an hour with an in-office treatment or over the course of a couple of weeks with a take-home kit. Either way, the results are spectacular. Read on to learn about 7 of the top reasons why people choose teeth whitening in Springfield.

#1. Discolored Teeth

Plaque and tartar are two substances that accumulate in the mouth and can begin to discolor your teeth. Although plaque can be removed with brushing and tartar is removed professional cleaning, the cumulative effect over time can be noticeable.

#2. A Special Occasion

If you have a special occasion on the calendar, then plan to have your teeth whitened shortly before the big event. Whether you are getting married, graduating or celebrating a significant birthday or anniversary, a special occasion is the perfect opportunity to whiten your teeth.

#3. A Job Interview

When you go on a job interview, the interviewer sizes you up in the first five seconds. Yes, you read that right—five seconds. Needless to say that evaluation is based on your appearance. A winning smile sends a message of confidence, energy and enthusiasm.

#4. The Aging Process

One factor that no smile can escape is the aging process. As we age, our tooth enamel can become worn. Consequently, two things may happen: more of the slightly yellow layer of dentin can show through, and discoloration is more likely to occur. Teeth whitening acts as a counterbalance to the aging process, giving you a smile that looks years younger.

#5. You’re a Smoker

If you smoke, then the nicotine in tobacco can give your teeth an unsightly brownish-yellow color. In addition, there are added oral health risks that come with smoking, including a greater build-up of plaque and bacteria on your teeth and oral cancer. Teeth whitening can give you a brighter smile, helping to encourage you to kick the habit!

#6. Feel Better about Yourself

Teeth whitening can go a long way toward building self-confidence. Just imagine looking in the mirror and seeing whiter and brighter teeth smiling back at you!

#7. Foods and Beverages

The foods and beverages people enjoy every day are probably the biggest reason people decide to have their teeth whitened. Coffee and tea, tomato sauce and berries are just some of the items that can stain teeth over the years. Teeth whitening can lift those stains, leaving you with a more attractive and healthier looking smile.

What’s your reason for getting teeth whitening? Call your cosmetic dentist to let them know, and they’ll tell you which treatment would be right for you!


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Scott Olson has been making people smile since 1998. In addition to teeth whitening in Springfield, he offers a number of other cosmetic dentistry procedures including porcelain veneers, composite bonding and ClearCorrect Braces. Call Dr. Olson’s office today!

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1036 West Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65807 USA
Dr. Scott M. Olson Springfield, MO dentist. (417) 823-4900 scottolsondmd@gmail.com